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If you have a question about our products or services or need assistance finding something, please contact us by calling 855-600-6251 or by filling out the contact form below. We value your opinion and are always happy to hear from our customers. If you would prefer to stop by, visit a George’s near you.
Phone: 812-932-6251
Fax: 812-932-63861198 State Road 46
Batesville, IN 47006Pharmacy: Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Home Medical Equipment: Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Phone: 812-637-6251
Fax: 812-637-638624128 State Line Road
Bright, IN 47025Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Phone: 765-647-6251
Fax: 765-647-6386
Toll Free: 1-888-216-7737480 Main Street
Brookville, IN 47012Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Phone: 765-825-6251
Fax: 765-825-6386330 East 5th Street
Connersville, IN 47331Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Fort Wayne (DME ONLY)
Phone: 260-702-9931
Fax: 260-387-5367
dme@georgespharmacy.com6425 Cross Creek Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46818Open Tuesday Until 4:00 PM
Indianapolis East
Phone: 317-359-8278
Fax: 317-359-59395543 E Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
Indianapolis North (DME ONLY)
Phone: 317-683-6251
Fax: 317-757-26598440 Woodfield Crossing Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN 46240Open Tuesday Until 4:30 PM
Indianapolis DME Retail
Phone: 317-516-5199
Fax: 317-827-69377426 Shadeland Station Way
Indianapolis, IN 46256Open Tuesday Until 5:00 PM
Phone: 812-654-6251
Fax: 812-654-4252124 West Indian Trail
Milan, IN 47031Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM
North Vernon (DME ONLY)
Phone: 812-953-8251
Fax: 812-953-83862202 North Totten Circle
North Vernon, IN 47265Open Tuesday Until 4:30 PM
Phone: 812-689-6251
Fax: 812-689-0201326 South Washington Street
Versailles, IN 47042Open Tuesday Until 6:00 PM